2. About the project
  3. Human resource development goals

About the project


Human resource development goals

Fostering future human resources for the region

We will nurture diverse human resources who can carry out a true recovery through multi-layered education that meets the needs of each life stage.
1.Fukushima Resilience Study Future Human Resource Development Program
We will develop and implement a program to develop local young human resources who organically learn reconstruction knowledge and university knowledge through visiting classes and science classes for elementary and junior high school students in the cities, towns, and villages we collaborate with.
2.Fukushima Resilience Study Leader Development Program
We offer leadership development programs within the community for local government officials, businesses, and the general public.
3.Human Resource Development Program for Radiation Application
The program supports students of Fukushima National College of Technology and employees of local companies to obtain the national qualification of radiation protection supervisor.

Fostering human resources who support the development of Fukushima from a global perspective

We will promote academic culture based on “learning” in Hamadori and develop human resources who can transmit information to the world.
1.Hamadori Evangelist Human Resource Development Program
Undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Tokyo will be targeted to develop human resources who can understand correct information about Fukushima and disseminate it both domestically and internationally.
2.Human Resource Development Program for Radiation Application
The program targets undergraduate and graduate students of Fukushima National College of Technology, Fukushima University, and the University of Tokyo, and fosters human resources who have correct knowledge and skills about radiation and can disseminate information both domestically and internationally.